Horizon Search Inc.
Finding the Talent You Need at the Pace You Demand

2 Tips To Attract Top Candidates

In a competitive job market, top professionals have many options for employment. If they decide to test the waters, multiple offers are common. Companies are doing a good job of retaining their employees, so it can be attractive to stay with their current employer too. Remember that not all candidates are “looking.” Many are simply exploring new options, and are open to better opportunities.

Two things virtually every top candidate wants:

  1. A conversation with the hiring manager. Talented and experienced professionals want to “cut to the chase” to determine if there’s a mutual fit. That means a one-on-one with the hiring manager. Companies that set this up quickly will have greater success.

  2. A fast and simple application process. These professionals don’t want to start the interviewing process with application forms and tests. Some individuals will merely send out their resumes to see what kind of options are available. Don’t consider these to be “applicants” who need a job, but instead as “interested professionals” looking for information about your company’s opportunity.

Don’t require them to do too much too early or your best candidates may disappear. After establishing a good fit and sincere interest, they will be more agreeable to additional steps in the hiring process.