Horizon Search Inc.
Finding the Talent You Need at the Pace You Demand

No Place Like Home

Smart professionals understand that career advancement needs to be managed and not left to chance. Talented individuals occasionally get curious about what other options might be available to them.

If that’s you, take an inventory of your current situation. Make it as comprehensive as possible. Here are some questions to consider before you start making calls and sending out your resume:

  • What do you like about your current job?
  • What don’t you like?
  • What would types of opportunities interest you?
  • What would need to be different, to motivate you to make a change?

Sometimes the motivation to move is for financial or personal reasons. e.g. You may want to be closer to family members who live across the country, or to a warmer climate.

If it’s a money issue, approach management and ask for a raise. If it’s about the location or a flexible schedule, request telecommuting. Try it out on a trial basis. The market is always tight for top talent. You may discover that your company is very willing to meet your salary requirements or give you the flexibility you need.

I’ve found that many professionals are often surprised when they realize that the opportunity they’re looking for is located right where they are.

Sometimes there’s no place like home.